Coming soon

In order for your company to qualify for LIMSA membership we refer to the membership criteria which you will find on the “Membership - Criteria” page.
The Board of Directors will decide upon your application after having received the following documents :
Your formal application letter in which you confirm that your organisation indeed complies with the minimum membership criteria;
a reference letter from 2 LIMSA members (not being Board members themselves) to support your membership request;
the duly completed “corporate questionnaire” which you can request at info@l3a.lu.
In case you are not yet an ASTF-member : the duly completed ASTF form"Renseignements concernant l'entreprise" which you can download from the site www.astf.lu under "nouveautés-renseignements concernant l'entreprise".
L3A asbl
Attn. Mr. Serge Krancenblum
412F, route d'Esch
L-2086 Luxembourg
c/o IQ-EQ
In order for your company to qualify for LIMSA membership we refer to the membership criteria which you will find on the “Membership - Criteria” page.
The Board of Directors will decide upon your application after having received the following documents :
Your formal application letter in which you confirm that your organisation indeed complies with the minimum membership criteria;
a reference letter from 2 LIMSA members (not being Board members themselves) to support your membership request;
the duly completed “corporate questionnaire” which you can request at info@l3a.lu.
In case you are not yet an ASTF-member : the duly completed ASTF form"Renseignements concernant l'entreprise" which you can download from the site www.astf.lu under "nouveautés-renseignements concernant l'entreprise".
L3A asbl
Attn. Mr. Serge Krancenblum
412F, route d'Esch
L-2086 Luxembourg
c/o IQ-EQ